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As we settle into the summer months, let us not become complacent. There are 119 days until the U.S. general election, and this year is a big deal. We need to pull this democracy back from the brink and voting is one of the ways that we ensure a future for all, not just the white, cis-het, rich, dudes who have a stranglehold on the judicial branch of our government.
Last time, I spoke about rage and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. This time, I want to provide some ways in which we can act, beyond visiting the voting booth on 8 November 2022. But please, still do your civic duty and vote. Check RIGHT NOW to see if you are properly registered to vote in you district and then do some research. Find out who is running in your area and what they stand for. also offers individual State information if you scroll down the page. Here you can find information about primary elections in your State, registration deadlines, and many other great resources you will need to get ready for this election season.
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How to fight the rise of authoritarianism in the United States
1 - Vote
I know I am a broken record, but I cannot stress this enough. As I mentioned above and will continue to post about until 8 November and beyond, voting is one of our most important rights in this country and if we all voted in our own best interests, we could see the tide turn away from a nation ruled by white christian nationalists and toward a country that is truly about liberty and justice for ALL.
You might be thinking that voting doesn’t work because you have voted and we are still here, but what we really need is for EVERYONE who is of voting age to register and vote. We haven’t seen the nation we know it can be precisely because many of us decide to skip the booth every 2 years. Getting out the vote is the most important thing to do. It isn’t the only thing that will move the needle, but it is one of the most fundamental pieces of our democracy and it is not to be squandered or ignored.
2 - Stay informed
Reading books and articles, watching the nightly (local and national) news, reading the newspaper, and keeping up with newsletters you are subscribed are essential in the fight against authoritarianism. The people in power do not want us to gain or share information. They want us to feel overwhelmed and tired. They want us to be complacent and fearful. If we don’t learn about our history in a clear and true way and keep up with current events, we may check out. And checking out is what got us here in the first place. Resting on any semblance of comfort that we could find made us unable to see the path we were on as a nation.
The elites in our society prefer that we stay uninformed and just live our lives in information bubbles. They do not want to see us in the streets marching or gathering together for any type of collective action. When we do get together we start to learn from one another and that is dangerous for those currently in the seats of power. When we gather, we better understand that our struggles are connected, maybe even intertwined and that the true enemies of democracy are those who seek to lead our nation down a path of fascism in the name of white christian nationalism.
3 - March
This leads us to the movement. If you feel comfortable getting out in the streets it is imperative that you join the collective movement toward freedom and democracy. Protesting the direction we are heading is another key element in the fight against autocracy. As stated above, collective action is essential. It allows us to see one another in person and that our struggles in this country might not be exactly the same, but that we can all march for the betterment of the collective. It teaches us to understand that we are connected as humans and that we will only succeed as a nation when we are all free and equal.
4 - Dispel myths
If you hear or see people in your circles of influence sharing misinformation or disinformation, put an end to it. Share sources that counter the myths being sent out and help the individuals sharing these lies better assess their sources. It can be challenging to speak to those who are seemingly stuck in a rabbit hole of disinformation, but if you are close enough to them, and they know that you are there for them no matter what, sometimes it is possible to pull them back from the brink. Knowledge is, after all, power, and disinformation is merely a way those in power seek to subvert the messaging and turn it against the masses. By pushing back on these myths, we can bring our friends and family members back into the struggle for democracy.
5 - Take care of yourself and each other
We often get caught up in doing ALL THE THINGS to try and make change happen. That is productive, of course, and we should continue to be vigilant and try our best to move toward that better tomorrow, but we also have to take care of ourselves mentally, physically, and emotionally. If we are not in our best shape, body and mind, we won’t be able to continue working toward lasting change and, worse, we might not be around to see it. And yes, I can hear you saying, but most of this change we WON’T see because that is the long arch of social justice movements, but the change that does come around in our lifetime should be something we can celebrate together. So, please, take the time to care for yourself and give each other the space we all need to heal and move forward. Stay hydrated, wear sunblock, take naps and/or try for 7 hours of sleep per night, move your body as much as possible, try to do something just for you at least once per week and seek out other opportunities for self care. We are in this fight together, I love each and every one of you, and I want us to move forward together with good health, happiness, peace, and equality.
How Democracy Can Defeat Autocracy (
Protecting democracy and containing autocracy (
Autocracy and patriarchy are surging worldwide - but women are pushing back (
The Anatomy of Autocracy: Timothy Snyder (2021) (
Authoritarianism is surging. Can liberal democracy fight back? (
The roots of fascism and the seeds for its defeat (
How To Fight Fascism: It Might Seem Obvious, But Is It? (
Good news from the stacks
If you made it this far, you deserve some good news from the library world…
The New York Public Library honors Lou Reed with a new exhibition (
Oakland Public Library - Treasures found in library books (