It’s Tuesday in Tennessee…
This is a new publication that I will be offering on a sporadic basis. Things have been heating up here, politically, for the past couple years and in order to keep you up to date, I feel like I need to try for a weekly column. Obviously, there will be some weeks when nothing much has happened, so you won’t receive an update. But most weeks, I’m pretty certain you will be seeing this in your inbox.
…as of 4.4.2023
On Monday, March 27th, 2023, a person entered the Covenant School in Nashville and open fired. After firing 152 rounds in 14 minutes, the assailant was killed by police officers who were called to the scene, tracked the whereabouts of the shooter, and stopped them from continuing their rampage. Luckily, they did not hesitate, as has happened in previous mass shooting incidents, but still they were not able to save the 3 children (Evelyn Dieckhaus, William Kinney, and Hallie Scruggs, all aged 9). and 3 adults (Substitute teacher Cynthia Peak, 61; custodian Mike Hill, 61; and head of school Katherine Koonce, 60) who were killed by the shooter.
Meanwhile, in the Tennessee General Assembly, a bill (HB1158/SB1498) which would LOWER the age of (permitless) gun ownership from 21 to 18 in the state.
On Thursday, March 30th, 2023, thousands of students gathered on Capitol Hill, in Nashville, to peacefully assemble and protest the lack of concern the Republican Supermajority in the State House and Senate has had for gun reform. Even after a mass shooting in the Capital City of Tennessee, they are still undeterred in their 2nd amendment right crusade. During the protest, 3 Representatives from the Democrat Superminority in the House, Rep. Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville), Rep. Justin Jones (D-Nashville), and Rep. Justin Pearson (D-Memphis), stood in the well, on the floor of the House chamber, and led the crowd in the balcony in chants for justice.
On Monday, April 3, 2023, on the anniversary of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s final speech, the "I've Been to the Mountaintop" address, at Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee, these same three Representatives were stripped of their committee appointments and the House voted, along party lines. HR0063 to expel Rep Justin Pearson, HR0064 to expel Rep Gloria Johnson, and HR0065 to expel Rep Justin Jones. The final votes will happen on Thursday morning, in a 9am House session at the capitol. That is also the day of the teacher walkouts, planned to protest the violence that has been occurring for decades in this country in schools, churches, grocery stores, nightclubs, etc. The people will show up and stand up for what is right and if the legislature votes to remove 3 Representatives in heavily diverse and democratic districts, it will prove that they are truly trading in democracy for fascism.
If you want to see what they truly think about our government and the rights of the people, take a look at this video from the Gov Ops committee session where Johnson and Jones were stripped of their assignments…
Rep. Gloria Johnson and Rep. Justin Jones are told they are removed from Gov Ops committee. (
Democracy seems to be dying in Tennessee and if we don’t pay attention it will spread throughout the country. We have to be ever vigilant in maintaining our rights because, obviously, the powers that be don’t give a shit about the majority of the citizens in this country and, most especially the residents of Tennessee.
actions to take…
If you are a Tennessee resident…
Contact Speaker Sexton and your reps today: 615.741.2343. Hi, my name is XX and I am a resident of ___County. I am calling to ask you not to expel Justin Jones, Gloria Johnson and Justin Pearson on Thursday. It was well within their constitutional right to dissent and protest last week for gun reform. Thank you!
If you are in Nashville or the surrounding cities and can take the morning off…
more from the internet…
Tennessee GOP Wants to Kick Dems Who Protested Gun Violence Out of Legislature (
Here’s how a lawmaker can be expelled from the TN House (
Tennessee House moves to expel 3 Democrats after gun protest (
House Republicans move to expel three Democrats over floor protests (